Thursday, February 22, 2018

CSI: Final Group Podcast 1/12

CSI: Final Group Podcast – Group Podcast Overview
Description Group Project Information

 This month you will be working on a group podcast, the final version of the group podcast will not be due until the last day of class. During the month you will be creating and submitting the assignments that will build the final podcast. You will not begin work on the group podcast until the second week of class. For this assignment, you will work together in teams to collaborate and produce a multi-media presentation in the form of a podcast. There are no deliverables this week, this week will be used to familiarize yourself with what the project will entail. Your instructor will create and assign you to a group on Tuesday of week 2. For detailed instructions on the Group project you can download the instruction from this page or from the CSI web site.

Reasoning for the Assignment
Online collaboration has become common in the entertainment industry. Project team members are often located in multiple cities. This new dimension to the project group adds additional challenges for both students and professionals. This project will help you become familiar with some of the tools available to allow collaboration over great distances via the Internet and produce a finished product that you can be proud of.

Please note: the listed schedule is only for the Group Project; you will have additional individual FSO assignments due through out the month.

Schedule of tasks for the project (Please note our weeks run from Monday to Monday)

Week 1

Read the overview of the project and the assignment to become familiar with the task you will be responsible for.

Submit your introduction assignment, this is an individual assignment used by your instructor to assign you to a group. 

Week 2 

Tuesday - the instructor will assign you into groups and invite you to Wiggio based on your groups.

Tuesday thru Friday – on your assigned day attend a scheduled online Wimba session at  . The session will cover the basics of what the project will entail, what is being looked for, and offer a chance for you to ask your instructor any questions you may have at this point. If you cannot attend the WIMBA session you can watch the archive of the session also located at

End of the week - There are a short set of question that will be based on the WIMBA session that you will need to answer on FSO

End of Week – Each group member will have accepted a Wiggio invitation sent to him or her in email. Posted contact information in Wiggio. Post times they can work on the podcast on wiggio’s calendar. Picked a group coordinator and alternate. Submitted a word document with a link to your wiggio group page.

Week 3

Tuesday-Friday - Attend a scheduled Wimba session. The session will cover the where the group should be at this point, discuss the outline of the project and how it will need to be presented, and offer a chance for you to ask your instructor any questions you may have a this point. If you cannot attend the WIMBA session you can watch the archive of the session also located at

End of the week - There is a short set of questions that have to be answered in FSO based off the WIMBA session.

End of Week - Each Group member will create and submit they own podcast segment as well as the citations for the segment

Week 4

End of Week – submission of the completed Group Presentation Podcast and individual peer reviews.
Wednesday  - submit peer review of other student segments 

Please note: the listed schedule is only for the Group Podcast; you will have additional individual FSO assignments due through out the month. 

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